Started the show off with a track from Mania For Conquest off of their upcoming split 7" with Svaveldioxid on Brain Solvent Propaganda. We then played some newer tracks and a submission (Thanks Svordom!). After a killer German block, we did a label spotlight on Fight Records and Lacey had just enough time in to squeeze two short Destroy songs. Thanks for listening!
1.) Mania For Conquest - "Deforestation"
2.) Violent Party - "Oncogene"
3.) Life - "Polluted Water"
4.) Svaveldioxid - "Treblinka Belzec Sobibor"
5.) Career Suicide - "Borrowed Time"
6.) Heat - "Feel It"
7.) Holochaos - "Holocausto Animal"
8.) Svordom - "Snutjavel"
9.) Vorkriegsphase - "Rotes Mieder"
10.) Tin Can Army - "Cop of the World"
11.) Bluttat - "Burned Out"
12.) Zerstorte Jugend - "Kaiser Wilhelm"
13.) Razzia - "Kriegszustand"
14.) Kaaos - "Ismet"
15.) Totuus - "Eduskunta"
16.) Tampere SS - "Sotaa"
17.) Destroy - "Burn This Racist System Down"
18.) Destroy - "Enforced Orthodoxy"

If the download source is down, corrupt, or the link is not correct, please post a comment informing us of it. I will fix it as soon as possible. For release information about the albums we played on this show, visit this page.
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