We started off the show this week with some new releases, including the Soya demo tape that has been released on Dark Raids and also a track from the new D-Clone album entitled Creation and Destroy. Following that Josh did a set that included two songs that shed a positive light on video games and two songs that were against them (hey, a little Metroid never hurt anyone!). We also played some compilation tracks and songs by bands whose names were taken from other bands.
1.) Soya - "Oppressive Powers"
2.) D-Clone - "Hatred"
3.) Gasmiasma - "Killing Gun Smash"
4.) The Wankys - "Nothing"
5.) Game Boi!s - "We Love"
6.) Warning//Warning - "Insert Coin"
7.) Damage Deposit - "Video Games and The Simpsons..."
8.) Gorilla Biscuits - "Stand Still"
9.) Blowback - "Can You Begin To Run"
10.) Absurd Attitude - "Cry/Laugh"
11.) Reality Crisis - "Engrave"
12.) Outo - "Distortion Faith"
13.) The Perukers - "Distroyer"
14.) ACxDC - "Fuck It Dood...Let's Go Bowling"

If the download source is down, corrupt, or the link is not correct, please post a comment informing us of it. I will fix it as soon as possible. For release information about the albums we played on this show, visit this page.
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