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SHOW #22
Freeze - "Warped Confessional"
SET 1: It Came From A Compilation
Groinoids - "Empty Skull"
Butthole Surfers - "I Hate My Job"
Terveet Kadet - "Saappaat"
Crucifucks - "Annual Report"
Demented Youth - "Assassination Attempt"
SET 2: Let's Get Weird
Sockeye - "Al Gore"
You Suck! - "The You Suck Chant"
Jud Jud - "XBass In The Beginning SongX"
Sewer Zombies - "They Died With Their Willie Nelson T-shirts On"
Contortions - "Dish It Out"
SET 3: What The Hell Does This Sound Like? Part 1
Cyanide - "Do It"
Disritmia - "Pelas Ruas Do Suburbio"
Dun-Delion - "Willimies"
Forgotten Rebels - "Fuck Me Dead"
I Spit On Your Gravy - "Batman V Godzilla"
SET 4: What The Hell Does This Sound Like? Part 2
Kermit's Finger - "Strangers On The Street"
Rabid - "Glory of War"
Sacred Denial - "Tylenol"
Skudz - "Falling Down"
Vorwarts - "TV Generation"
SET 5: Keep It Under A Minute
Nailed Down - "Fool"
Neos - "U Moron"
Fartz - "Campaign Speech"
Straight Ahead - "Straight Ahead"
Valvontakomissio - "Hyljatan Valitus"
SET 6: Black Flag - Live 1982 On Broadway
Black Flag - "No Martyrs"
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